Sunday, December 21, 2008

Bankruptcy Don'ts - It's a Federal Crime

Bankruptcy Don'ts

bankruptcy crimes

Avoiding Bankruptcy

(Central District of California waiver form) Can the client avoid bankruptcy? Let's see "Surviving Debt" - from the National Consumer Law Center

Bankruptcy Basics - video

A Bankruptcy Video Primer Introduction Running Time: (2:38) Types of Bankruptcy Running Time: (3:55) Limits of Debts Running Time: (4:34) Filing for Bankruptcy Running Time: (2:57) Meeting of Creditors Running Time: (1:27) Court Hearings Running Time: (6:58) This Discharge Running Time: (1:27) Legal Assistance Running Time: (4:58)

Bankruptcy Law, Rules, and Forms

Title 11, United States Code  

Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure



Appendix I - Local Bankruptcy Rules Forms List Appendix II - Attorney Discipline Procedures in Bankruptcy Court (General Order No. 96-05)  

Appendix III - Adoption of Mediation Program for Bankruptcy Cases and Adversary Proceedings (Second Amended General Order No. 95-01)  

Appendix IV - Guidelines for Allowance of Attorneys' Fees in Chapter 13 Cases  

Cross Reference Index Rule 1001-1 through 1073-1 Rule 2002-2 through 2090-1 Rule 3001-1 through 3020-1 Rule 4001-1 through 4008-1 Rule 5003-2 through 5075-1 Rule 6004-1 through 6007-1 Rule 7001-1 through 7069-1 Rule 8000-1 through 8007-1 Rule 9009-1 through 9075-1



F 1010-1 Summons and Notice of Status Conference in an Involuntary Bankruptcy Case (Mandatory)  

F 1010-2 

Summons and Notice of Status Conference in Section 304 Case Ancillary to a Foreign Proceeding (Mandatory)  

F 1015-2.1 Statement of Related Cases (Mandatory)  

F 1017-1.1 Debtor's Motion to Convert Case under 11 U.S.C. §§ 706(a), 1112(a) (Mandatory)  
F 1017-1.2 Order on Debtor's Motion to Convert Case under 11 U.S.C. §§ 706(a), 1112(a) (Mandatory) (Note: Please RIGHT click HERE to download this to MS-Word format) Effective 07/02/2007 through 01/21/2008)  

F 1017-1.3 Notice of Debtor's Motion to Convert Case Under 11 U.S.C. §§ 706(a) (Mandatory)  

F 1017-1.4 Debtor's Notice of Conversion Under 11 U.S.C. §§ 1208(a) or 1307(a) (Mandatory)  
F 1017-1.5 Order on Debtor's Notice of Conversion Under 11 U.S.C. §§ 1208(a) or 1307(a) (Mandatory) (Note: Please RIGHT click HERE to download this to MS-Word format)  

F 2014-1 Statement of Disinterestedness for Employment of Professional Person Under F.R.B.P. 2014 (File with Application for Employment) (Optional)  

F 2016-1.1 Notice of Hearing on Application for Payment of Interim or Final Fees and/or Expenses under 11 U.S.C. § 331 or 330 (Optional)  

F 2016-1.2 Application for Payment of: Interim Fees and/or Expenses 

(11 U.S.C. § 331); Final Fees and/or Expenses (11 U.S.C. § 330) (Optional)  

F 2016-1.3 Order on Application for Payment of: Interim Fees and/or Expenses (11 U.S.C. § 331); Final Fees and/or Expenses (11 U.S.C. § 330) (Optional) (Note: Please RIGHT click HERE to download this to MS-Word format)  

F 2016-2.1 Trustee's Notice of Motion and Motion Under Local Bankruptcy Rule 2016-2 For: Authorization to Employ Paraprofessionals and/or Authorization to Pay Flat Fees Up to Tax Preparer (Optional)  

F 2016-2.1A Order on Trustee's Motion Under Local Bankruptcy Rule 2016-2 For Authorization to Employ Paraprofessionals and/or Authorization to Pay Flat Fee to Tax Preparer (Optional) (Note: Please RIGHT click HERE to download this to MS-Word format)  

F 2016-2.2 Notice of Motion and Motion No. ____ Under Local Bankruptcy Rule 2016-2 for Approval of Cash Disbursements by the Trustee; Opportunity to Request Hearing; Declaration of Trustee (Optional)  

F 2016-2.2A Order on Trustee's Motion No.___ Under Local Bankrutpcy Rule 2016-2 For Approval of Cash Disbursements by the Trustee (Optional) (Note: Please RIGHT click HERE to download this to MS-Word format)  

F 2090-1.1 Declaration Re: Limited Scope of Appearance Pursuant to Local Bankruptcy Rule 2090-1 (Optional)  

F 2090-1.2 Application of Non-Resident Attorney to Appear in a Specific Case [Local Bankruptcy Rule 2090-1(b)] (Optional)  

F 2090-1.3 Order on Application of Non-Resident Attorney to Appear in a Specific Case [Local Bankruptcy Rule 2090-1(b)] (Optional) (Note: Please RIGHT click HERE to download this to MS-Word format)  

F 2090-1.4 Substitution of Attorney (Optional)  

F 3001.1 Request for Issuance of Notice of Transfer of Claim Pursuant to F.R.B.P. 3001(e) (Optional)  

F 3001.2 Notice of Transfer of Claim Pursuant to F.R.B.P. 3001(e) (Optional)  

F 3007-1.1 Order on Objection to Claims (Optional) (Note: Please RIGHT click HERE to download this to MS-Word format)  

F 3007-1.2 Notice of Trustee's/Debtor in Possession's Request for Copy of Proof of Claim (Optional)  

F 3007-1.3 Notice of Objection to Claim (Mandatory) F 3011-1 Motion for Order Releasing Unclaimed Funds (Optional)  

F 3015-1.1 Chapter 13 Plan (Mandatory) F 3015-1.1A Addendum to Chapter 13 Plan Concerning Debtors Who are Repaying Debt Secured by a Mortgage on Real Property or a Lien on Personal Property the Debtor Occupies as the Debtor's Principal Residence (Optional) F 3015-1.2 Notice of Section 341(a) Meeting and Hearing on Confirmation of Chapter 13 Plan with Copy of Chapter 13 Plan (Mandatory) F 3015-1.4 Declaration Setting Forth Postpetition, Preconfirmation Deed of Trust Payments [Local Bankruptcy Rule 3015-1(m)] (Mandatory)  

F 3015-1.5 Notice of Motion Under Local Bankruptcy Rules 3015-1(n) and 9013-1(g) to Modify Plan or Suspend Plan Payments (Mandatory)  

F 3015-1.5 (REVISED) Notice of Motion Under Local Bankruptcy Rules 3015-1(n) and (w) to Modify Plan or Suspend Plan Payments (Mandatory) Effective 09/01/08  
F 3015-1.6 Motion Under Local Bankruptcy Rules 3015-1(n) and 9013-1(g) to Modify Plan or Suspend Plan Payments; Trustee's Comments; Order Thereon (Mandatory)  

F 3015-1.6 (REVISED) Motion Under Local Bankruptcy Rules 3015-1(n) and (w) to Modify Plan or Suspend Plan Payments (Mandatory) Effective 09/01/08 F 3015-1.7 Rights and Responsibilities Agreement Between Chapter 13 Debtors and Their Attorneys (Mandatory) F 3015-1.8 Declaration RE Payment of Domestic Support Obligations (Preconfirmation) (Mandatory) F 3015-1.9 Declaration RE Tax Returns (Preconfirmation) (Mandatory)  

F 3015-1.10 Declaration Setting Forth Post Petition, Preconfirmation Payments on: 1. Leases of Personal Property; 2. Purchase Money Security Liens in Personal Property (Mandatory) F 3015-1.11 (NEW) Trustee's Comments on or Objection to Application for Supplemental Fees Effective 09/01/08  

F 3015-1.12 (NEW) Order on Application for Supplemental Fees (Note: Please RIGHT click HERE to download this to MS-Word format) Effective 09/01/08  

F 3015-1.13 (NEW) Trustee's Comments on or Objection To: Effective 09/01/08 F 3015-1.14 (NEW) Order on: (Note: Please RIGHT click HERE to download this to MS-Word format) Effective 09/01/08  

F 3017-1 Chapter 11 Disclosure Statement (Note: Please RIGHT click HERE to download this to Wordperfect format)  

F 3017-2 Plan Ballot Summary (Optional) F 3018-1 Chapter 11 Plan (Note: Please RIGHT click HERE to save this to Wordperfect form)  

F 4001-1.DEC Declaration of _____ RE: Default Under Adequate Protection Order; Request for Entry of Order Granting Relief From Stay (Mandatory) F 4001-1M.CUST Notice of Motion and Motion for (A) Relief From the Automatic Stay under 11 U.S.C. § 362 (Real Property): and (B) Relief from Turnover under 11 U.S.C. § 543 by Prepetition Receiver or Other Custodian (with supporting declarations) (Mandatory) [formerly 350 CUST]  

F 4001-1M.ER Extraordinary Relief Attachment (Optional to the Judge) [formerly 350 ER]  

F 4001-1M.IS Notice of Motion in Individual Case for Order Imposing a Stay or Continuing the Automatic Stay as the Court Deems Appropriate (Mandatory)  

F 4001-1M.NA Notice of Motion and Motion for Relief From the Automatic Stay under 11 U.S.C. § 362 (with supporting declarations) (Action in Non-Bankruptcy Forum) (Mandatory) formerly 350 NA]  

F 4001-1M.PP Notice of Motion and Motion for Relief From the Automatic Stay under 11 U.S.C. § 362 (with supporting declarations) (Personal Property) (Mandatory)  

F 4001-1M.RP (REVISED) Notice of Motion and Motion for Relief from the Automatic Stay Under 11 U.S.C. § 362 (Real Property) (Mandatory)  

F 4001-1M.TCS Trustee’s Notice of Motion and Motion for Order Continuing the Automatic Stay Under 11 § 362 U.S.C.(h)(2), for Adequate Protection and for Delivery of Personal Property in Individual Case (Mandatory)  

F 4001-1M.TS Notice of Motion and Motion in Individual Case for Order Confirming Termination of Stay Under 11 U.S.C. §362(j) or that No Stay is in Effect Under 11 U.S.C. § 362(c)(4)(A)(ii) (Mandatory)  

F 4001-1M.UD (REVISED) Notice of Motion and Motion for Relief from the Automatic Stay or for Order Confirming that the Automatic Stay Does Not Apply Under 11 U.S.C. § 362(l) (Mandatory)  

F 4001-1M.13 Declaration of bottomright for Standing Trustee (Chapter 12 and 13 Cases only; Attach to Stay Motion) (Mandatory) [formerly 350.13]  

F 4001-1O.CUST Order Granting Motion for (1) Relief From the Automatic Stay under 11 U.S.C. § 362, and (2) Relief from Turnover under 11 U.S.C. § 543 by Prepetition Receiver or Other Custodian (Mandatory) [formerly 351 CUST] (Note: Please RIGHT click HERE to download this to MS-Word format)  

F 4001-1O.DENY (REVISED) Order Denying Motion for Relief From the Automatic Stay Under 11 U.S.C. § 362 (Mandatory) (Note: Please RIGHT click HERE to download this to MS-Word format)  

F 4001-1O.ER Extraordinary Relief Attachment (Optional to the Judge) [formerly 351 ER] (Note: Please RIGHT click HERE to download this to MS-Word format)  

F 4001-1O.NA Order Granting Motion for Relief From the Automatic Stay under 11 U.S.C. § 362 (Action in Non-Bankruptcy Forum) (Mandatory) [formerly 351 NA] (Note: Please RIGHT click HERE to download this to MS-Word format)  

F 4001-1O.PP Order Granting Motion for Relief From the Automatic Stay under 11 U.S.C. § 362 (Personal Property) (Mandatory) [formerly 351 PP] (Note: Please RIGHT click HERE to download this to MS-Word format)  

F 4001-1O.RP Order Granting Motion for Relief From the Automatic Stay Under 11 U.S.C. § 362 (Real Property) (Mandatory) (Note: Please RIGHT click HERE to download this to MS-Word format)  

F 4001-1O.TCS Order Granting Trustee’s Motion for Order Continuing the Automatic Stay, for Adequate Protection and for Delivery of Personal Property in Individual Case (Mandatory) (Note: Please RIGHT click HERE to download this to MS-Word format)  

F 4001-1O.IS Order Granting Motion for Order Imposing a Stay or Continuing the Automatic Stay (Mandatory) (Note: Please RIGHT click HERE to download this to MS-Word format)  

F 4001-1O.UD Order Granting Motion for Relief From the Automatic Stay under 11 U.S.C. § 362 (Unlawful Detainer) (Mandatory) [formerly 351UD] (Note: Please RIGHT click HERE to download this to MS-Word format)  

F 4001-1.2 Debtor’s Further Certification of Cure of Monetary Default Underlying Judgment for Possession of Residential Property and Proof of Deposit (11 U.S.C. § 362(l)(2)) (Optional) F 4001-1.3 Lessor’s Objection to Debtor’s Certification and/or Debtor’s Further Certification Concerning Residential Property and Notice of Hearing (11 U.S.C. § 362(l)(3)(A)) (Optional)  

F 4001-1.4 Lessor’s Certification of (1) Prepetition Eviction Action Seeking Possession of Residential Property Based on Debtor’s Prepetition Endangerment of Property or Illegal Use of a Controlled Substance, or (2) Endangerment of the Property or Illegal Use of a Controlled Substance within the Last 30 Days (11 U.S.C. § 362(b)(23)) (Optional)  

F 4001-1.5 (Debtor’s Objection to Lessor’s Certification and Notice of Hearing (11 U.S.C. § 362(m)(2)(A) and (B)) (Optional)  

F 4001-2 Statement Pursuant to Local Bankruptcy Rule 4001-2 (Cash Collateral Stipulations) (Optional)  

F 4008-1.1 Reaffirmation Agreement (Mandatory) (Note: F4008.1-1 is replaced by Form 240A)..... Order on Reaffirmation Agreement Form 240B F 4008-1.2 Notice of Hearing RE: Reaffirmation Agreement (Mandatory)  

F 4008-1.3 Order Disapproving Reaffirmation Agreement with Notice of Entry (Optional) (Note: Please RIGHT click HERE to download this to MS-Word format) F 4008-1.4 Order Approving Reaffirmation Agreement with Notice of Entry (Optional) (Note: Please RIGHT click HERE to download this to MS-Word format)  

F 5010-1.1M (NEW) Debtor's Motion to Reopen Case and For Extension of Time to File Debtor's Certification of Completion of Postpetition Instructional Course Concerning Personal Financial Management (Mandatory)  

F 5010-1.1O (NEW) Order on Debtor's Motion to Reopen Case and For Extension of Time to File Debtor's Certification of Completion of Postpetition Instructional Course Concerning Personal Financial Management (Mandatory) (Note: Please RIGHT click HERE to download this to MS-Word format)  

F 5075-1.1 Declaration to be Filed with Motion Establishing Administrative Procedures RE 28 U.S.C. § 156(c) (Mandatory) F 6004-2 Notice of Sale of Estate Property  

F 7004-1 Summons and Notice of Status Conference (Mandatory) F 7016-1.1 Joint Status Report - Local Bankruptcy Rule 7016-1(a)(2) (Optional)  

F 7016-1.1a Joint Status Report - Additional Party Attachment (Optional)  

F 7016-1.2 Status Conference and Scheduling Order Pursuant to Local Bankruptcy Rule 7016-1(a)(3) (Optional) (Note: Please RIGHT click HERE to download this to MS-Word format)  

F 7027-1 Request for Disclosure of Discovery Documents under Local Bankruptcy Rule 7027-1(d) (Optional)  

F 9013-1.2 Notice of Motion under Local Bankruptcy Rule 9013-1(g)(1) For: (Optional)  

F 9013-1.3 Notice of Opposition and Request for a Hearing (Optional) F 9013-1.4 Notice of Non-Opposition (Optional)  

F 9013-1.5 Notice of Motion and Motion to Avoid Lien under 11 U.S.C. § 522(f) (Real Property) (Optional)  

F 9013-1.6 Order on Motion to Avoid Lien under 11 U.S.C. § 522(f) (Real Property) (Optional) (Note: Please RIGHT click HERE to download this to MS-Word format) F 9013-1.7 Notice of Motion and Motion to Avoid Lien under 11 U.S.C. § 522(f) (Personal Property) (Optional) F 9013-1.8 Order on Motion to Avoid Lien under 11 U.S.C. § 522(f) (Personal Property) (Optional) (Note: Please RIGHT click HERE to download this to MS-Word format)  

F 9013-1.9 Declaration Re: Entry of Order Without Hearing Pursuant to Local Bankruptcy Rule 9013-1(g) (Optional)  

F 9021-1.1 Notice of Entry of Judgment or Order and Certificate of Mailing (Optional)  

F 9021-1.2 Request for Entry of Default under Local Bankruptcy Rule 9021-1 (Optional)  

F 9021-1.3 Motion for Default Judgment under Local Bankruptcy Rule 9021-1 (Optional)  

F 9021-1.4 Default Judgment (without prior judgment) (Optional) (Note: Please RIGHT click HERE to download this to MS-Word format)  

F 9021-1.5 Default Judgment (based on prior judgment) (Optional) (Note: Please RIGHT click HERE to download this to MS-Word format)  

F 9075-1 Order Shortening Time [Local Bankruptcy Rule 9075-1(b)] (Optional) (Note: 

RIGHT click HERE to download this to MS-Word format)

Bankruptcy Courts and the US Trustee

US Bankruptcy Courts

Central District of California court"locations"